With a new Star Trek movie out and a lot of talk about “cloud” computing you got to feel that the future is chasing you down a dark alley in a way like only the new Terminator can. The future is about new things, so that is what we also are going to do on cadcamstuff.com
We welcome you to Theme Week!
So hold on to your socks, for the next 4 days you are going to get a doze of robots attacking you from different sides.
We have all seen the the symphony of industrial robots welding cars on TV, a musical that lately have become very silent. Saying the phrase “mama and papa shop”, and then throw in the word Robots and some people will lift an eye brow. There was a time when that kinda shops where for making custom garden gates and welding up exhaust pipes, but more and more of those types of shops turned into high tech manufacturing facilities using the same machines and software as big league companies like Boeing and Ford Motor company.
Should mama and papa consider robots as there next step on the ladder? the answer is absolutely not to eliminate jobs necessarily, but to increase work flow in a high tech world.
So where do you start? The following 3 days on cadcamstuff.com are dedicated in the name of Robotics, and each day will introduce a kick of robot power.
Fanuc Robotics A leading supplier of robotic automation with over 200,000 robots installed worldwide, oh and yes they use Solidworks!
RobotWorks Stuffed right inside your Solidworks screen, making your favorite design software into a robot controlling device.
RobotMaster To load or handle the product after you programed your CNC monster, no worries with this program Mastercam made full circle.
So when to consider these monsters? From machining, welding, deburing, moving, loading/unloading, painting, scanning, assembling, anything that have the task of repeatability in it would most likely possible with Robotic power. Does it sound like something very complicated and expensive adventure, well for a little inspiration check out Fanuc Robotics, Robotworks, RobotMaster. Hey evenebay or maybe read a couple of topics on Robot-Forum and then of course subscribe to this pages RSS feed and follow a long for the theme week on Robots on cadcamstuff.com
So make sure you set that alarm clock for tomorrow, because you will get your cup of coffee served with a bright crunchy piece off yellow Fanuc robot.
If you are awake now click #2 Fanuc Robotics Your Partner on the shop floor