Your business doesn't have to become a massive operation. You can choose to succeed as one.
Paul Jarvis permits you to pursue a meaningful path, where you have control as an individual running a company of one. This book will give you the tips to adventure out on your own without adding the stress of being a freelancer or contractor.
My thoughts and notes:
Too often, businesses forget about their current customers—the people who are already buying should be must important.
What can I do to make my business better instead of what I can do to make it bigger?
Take a look at your calendar, free up "working time." You own the time on your calendar— take responsibility.
Figure out your superpower and bring it to every meeting.
Want more business? Follow up should be mandatory with any customer.
Offer services first, like consulting hours, before creating a product.
Reply to comments and emails, because big companies can't compete with you on this.
Don't make $100 when you can make thousands over the years by doing customer relationships.
Don't spend six months writing a course, instead spend a few weeks and then update/upgrade based on feedback.
Enjoy your day!