Some kind of “Smart” dimension is pretty much standard in most CAD related software with respect for itself these days.
When sketching in Solidworks, dimensioning many times becomes a task of securing lines and arcs, if the dimensions are not going to be used on the drawing it easily becomes a 2nd down, boring but necessary task. Solidworks Smart Dimension lets you create different types of dimensions depending on where you click on the geometry, this can safe you a lot of time when creating and securing sketches.
In these examples it is contained to smart dimension a arc. How many types? I counted 6, how many other can you place?
Pretty standard, red dot click on the arc and a radius dimension shows up.
Arc endpoint distance 1
A red dot click on each arc endpoint and 1st option show shortest distance between the endpoints
Arc endpoint distance2
A red dot click on each arc endpoint 2nd option shows a horizontal dimension between endpoint (a 3rd option would be moving your mouse, and a vertical dimension appear).
Arc Center distance to endpoint
Red dot click on arc endpoint and center arc point show a dimension from center to endpoint.
Arc Length
Red dot click each arc endpoint and also click the arc, this will result in arc length dimension.
Arc endpoint angle
Red dot click each endpoint and center arc point, and angular dimension between endpoint will appear.
No more than a few clicks and you have created a handful of different dimensions, did I miss any? if I did please comment.