SolidWorks has been shining the light on their integrated “Gold” CAM products with a special webinar series the last few months.
Tomorrow is CAMWorks turn to put on the Ray Ban’s and sun lotion. If your company is a 3D SolidWorks house who has to communicate with a CAM interface you might want to schedule a little time in your afternoon (US Eastern Time). To discover how SolidWorks 1st “Gold” CAM partner can slam your world with integrated CAM.
I have to admit that my internet search skills has let me down this time. Some of these CAD/CAM SLAM! webinar’s missed my radar.
March 23th Solidcam April 27th Delcam May 12th Mastercam
And I really haven’t had much luck finding anyone of them online. I have reached out to SolidWorks since they are always so helpful. My thought is that a SolidWorks CAD/CAM SLAM! category would be really cool here on cadcamstuff. So if you read this post and know where I can get a hold of your CAM products CAD/CAM SLAM! video, I would truly appreciate it. Maybe we can even do a compare and share of what and which functions we like with the different products, that sounds fun for everyone, right?