I finished this book in May 2024. I recommend this book 1/10.
Why you should read this book:
If you feel you have ideas stuck within you and struggle to get them out. If you are afraid your idea might not work and the world would come crashing down in embarrassment if you shared it, read this book.
Get your copy here.
🚀 The book in three sentences
You should never worry about if you complete something you start—how do you know if it is worth completing until you get going?
You might not need to start things, and that is also okay.
Open your mind; there is so much you can do.
🎨 Impressions
This book was written by a business/creative coach, not an author. Its style is rough. The book has no real wisdom, but it has excellent sections about how to get started with your ideas, which makes it all right.
📝 My notes and thoughts
P43. Celebrate your starts:
Start a page in your journal and begin listing your starts
Describe each of them in a playful tone
Explore why you didn't finish
Make room for more
P52. The list of dreams is made of:
Name a thing you want to start
Think harder and write four more
Keep going. What you would start if you had everything you needed
P63. Find your enough:
Declare your start by creating a folder on your computer
List everything you need
What are the three ways to start now
P91. Start imagining:
Start by journaling
Take a walk
Imagine your idea was fully formed
Ask questions and create scenarios to explore more
P98. Start thinking:
What are the first steps to make this real
Why did this idea make me excited
Start research
P116. Take Action:
Clarify and commit to your idea
Decide your first step
Anchor your start
Schedule your next step
P147. Build your bias for action:
Build your decision formula
Chronicle your fast-action victories
P170. Become an Author:
Decide what kind of book you're writing
Make your book
Start writing
P199. Rack up starting points:
Load statistics pitching machine
Get supplies in place
Log your practice time or number of starts
Schedule your first practice session
P209. Capture your inspiration:
Write about how you get inspiration
Start collecting your inspiration
Do what comes easy, and look for patterns
Research organizing tools and methods
Decide on a system
P217. Host a Startist Salon:
Pull together a gathering of startists
Tap a good host
Ask questions to get the conversation flowing, like...
Steer conversations toward cross-training
P234. Make a late start:
Do you have ideas that got away
Now, pick one that still excites you
Write ideas for the first step